I am a huge fan of John McCain. I am old enough to respect his service for his country and the FIVE years he spent as a prisoner of war... Obama is doing a fine job for someone I had never heard of until a year ago. And every single time a vote goes out, we spend energy asking ourselves if he's getting the black vote. Well, DUH. Is this a surprise? What an awesome opportunity to have a candidate who will give serious consideration to racial issues. What I don't understand is why every single black person in the U.S. isn't registered to vote and voting for him. My issue with Obama is not that he isn't good, it's that Hillary is better. Yeah yeah yeah. I love Hillary cause she's a woman, you bet your ass I do, and so do all the other women who are voting for her. But consider this, she's damn smart, and I am a huge fan of intellect. The problems facing the world and our country are so much more complex than the common voter understands, if i had my choice, I would pick the smartest person I could find, one who knows what he or she is doing, one who has the gravitas to walk the tough path and make the right decisions, not just for the sound bite, but with a long range vision. And consistency, Hillary has been campaigning for universal health care since her college days, it's not just a popular choice to help her get elected. I know she's committed to that, even if it never happens. Now Barak is a nice looking guy, he has a great smile, he gives a great speech, but when he went head-to-head in the debates with Hil, he just didn't have it, and no amount of spinning could save him. He was trounced. Again. And again. But I won't cry any crocodile tears if Obama gets the nod, we do live in a democracy. Although if he runs against McCain, I might just vote Republican. Decisions decisions, and any way you look at it, we get a President I admire...for a change.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Super Tuesday Makes Me Super Happy
This is a fine day for Americans! That of course is my opinion, and I'm not so dense as to assume that my opinion can be substituted in any form for fact, or that my opinion outranks yours due to some mystical alignment of the stars, and yet, I am rather fond of my own opinion. Sooooo, the results of the primaries has ensured that no matter who gets elected, I will get my way!
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